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Unas palabras sobre nuestros servicios

 The purpose is to give parents the tools they need to help their children. Is about empowering parents so they can take control of their journey. Giving parents and families the support they need so they can help their children  strive  towards a brighter future, reach their full potential, increase quality of life and have healthy family relationships.

We're always here for you. 

Programs are customized specific to each client. With personalize programs  that take in consideration multiple factors to best address the specific needs of your child and family.  In our model the "one size fit all" does does not  apply.

BOOK your solutions cal.  We will answer any of your questions and point you to the right direction

Waiting with Purpose

The Increasing rate of developmental disorder diagnoses has affected the demand of therapy services. This causes families to face overwhelming circumstances being left alone with no guidance. They suffer not knowing where to get help finding a long waiting list for services, being unsure of their options and resources. For some families, it takes years before they find some sort of services, leaving them unable to provide their children what is needed to achieve their potential. During this critical period, parents feel as if their world has spun out of control. Not knowing what direction to go, their children can miss numerous opportunities of growth and learning new skills. We understand it can be frustrating and worrisome to wait for services for your child. This is what our services are all about!

 Sprout  is an additional or alternative  option for families that need support and guidance  Sprout  provides the  support that your  family needs.  

 We will help you formulate a plan that will help you prioritize goals for your child. We work with the family unit along with your child to increase independence, decrease challenging behaviors, and learn new skills. Our main focus is overall improvement and quality of life for your child and your family. We guide you and your child to help them grow, develop and get closer to reaching their best potential.

sproutfor kids person

PermĆ­tame presentarme

Viviana DeFelipe, Maestrƭa en Psicologƭa con Ʃnfasis en AnƔlisis de Conducta Aplicada (MS, ABA)

NacĆ­ en Lima, PerĆŗ y me eduquĆ© en una escuela secundaria britĆ”nica / inglesa. Poder hablar espaƱol y  inglĆ©s  me permite el  Oportunidad de facilitar la comunicaciĆ³n entre padres, hijos y quienes brindan otros servicios profesionales.  a hablantes nativos de espaƱol.


EstudiĆ© PsicologĆ­a en Lima PerĆŗ durante cuatro aƱos antes de llegar a los Estados Unidos para completar mi licenciatura en PsicologĆ­a de la Universidad de Carolina del Sur en 2010.  RecibĆ­ una maestrĆ­a en psicologĆ­a con especializaciĆ³n en anĆ”lisis de comportamiento aplicado de la Universidad de Kaplan unos aƱos despuĆ©s.


MĆ”s importante  que mi educaciĆ³n son mis muchos aƱos de experiencia prĆ”ctica.  He trabajado con miles de niƱos a lo largo de los aƱos proporcionando ABA  terapia, siendo coordinadora de ABA, Intervencionista Temprana (EI) y maestra durante los Ćŗltimos 15 aƱos. He trabajado con muchos  diferentes profesionales y familias para crear y desarrollar programas de aprendizaje individualizados para niƱos con discapacidades que aborden las necesidades especĆ­ficas de cada niƱo. He entrenado con Ć©xito a cientos de  familias sobre cĆ³mo afrontar las dificultades de criar niƱos con discapacidad. Hemos celebrado y seguimos celebrando con las familias a medida que alcanzamos una meta tras otra. Observar a los niƱos y las familias mejorar su calidad de vida y ayudar  ellos alcanzan su potencial es increĆ­ble experimentarlos juntos. DespuĆ©s de todo,  Ā”Tener calidad de vida y ser lo mĆ”s independiente posible es de lo que se trata!

Sprout   Special Needs Family Coaching is the culmination of my experience working with thousands of children from all over the spectrum and diagnoses. In my years of experience  I found myself noticing that the  parents of these special people needed help understanding their children, better understanding the perspective of what life looks like through their eyes. Guidance  on how to find to the best possible route. through the maze of this journey. I created Sprout special needs family coaching to bring answers to these families and help them get a better understanding of their child so they can lead the way on this journey, gain confidence to advocate for their child and help them grow everyday. Empowering them with strategies and tools to nurture healthy family relationships.

Consulta gratuita disponible

ContĆ”ctenos hoy para ver si Sprout   es correcto para ti.

TELƉFONO:  (864) 982-4577

Se habla espaƱol

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